Saturday, November 1, 2008

Cracked Pavement

Having grown up reading comics in the LA Times, it has always been a dream of mine to have a syndicated comic strip. This was my first attempt at it. "Cracked Pavement" was a strip that I created after Bill Watterson quit the business. His leaving left a huge void in my life and this was my attempt at filling it. I created about 15-20 strips, bundled them up into a portfolio and sent it to all the major syndicates. Of course, it was rejected, but I still had fun doing it and hope to continue with it someday.



Good to have you back Hutch. I'll have to update my link with your current blog address.
I too grew up reading the comic strips in the L.A. Times and Daily News. I was a big Garfield fan when I was really young. I can appreciate your efforts to start your own comic strip. I remember wanting to do the same thing.

ED said...

You are now linked (again).

Unknown said...

cute comic page!

Eric Hutchison said...

Thanks Ry. I have strong opinions about Garfield (I know...that sounds lame!). Having grown up reading it as well, it has a special place in my heart. I have to say, though, that for the last ten years it simply hasn't been funny. Jim davis, through PAWS, inc., has been able to make a thriving business out of the character so that the art has remained strong but the content has really suffered.

Appreciate the effort Eddie!

Thanks Alina! Great to hear from you.


Hutch, I totally agree with you on the Garfield thing. The art got better, but unfortunately, the writing did not. It's been a while since I've bought a Garfield book....probably about 25 years.